Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Sunday morning we were sitting in church singing the opening hymn. My girls were being very reverent and sitting there quietly. Emily was looking at her Friend magazine and Allie was pointing to words in the hymn book. As we proceeded to sing Allie decided she would join in and sing along. But she didn't know the words. So she sang a song that she knows very well. The ABC's. And she sang them as loud as she possibly could, so loud that everybody in the chapel could hear (that is not an exaggeration). It was impossible for Tyler and I not to laugh.

I am glad that Allie felt she should share her voice and her knowledge of the ABC's with us. Allie, thanks for putting a smile on our face!


D'N K said...

She is so fun. I love when they do funny things. Can't wait to see your little man.

Megan said...

Haha. That is hilarious. Ross and I were discussing moments children have like that one. Where there are being slightly irreverent, but they think they are behaving well. I mean, how do you respond? Muffled laughter, my friend, muffled laughter ;)

Samantha said...

That is hilarious! I love it! Church stories are always the best! :)

ashley said...

That is so funny! It is always that much harder not to laugh when you know you can't and probably shouldn't!

Amy said...

That is so funny, be sure to tell her that when she is older!

The Curtis Family said...

I really think that kids know when the best time is to get attention. That is SO cute!

Stacy said...

She is such a cutie, I love how goofy she is! Such a smarty pants

Keely said...

Oh that little girls kills me!

Roscoe and Daisy said...

What a cute girl- that is so funny!

Amanda said...

That is awesome! I'm glad she decided to join the fun!