Tyler has been fishing couple of times over that last couple of weeks and since then the girls have really wanted to go. So this last weekend Tyler and I took the girls up to Causey and took them fishing. Grandma and Grandpa came up for a little bit too.Waiting for Dad to get the poles ready.
Allie is ready to scoop up any fish that we bring in.
Hanging out with Grandma waiting for something to bite. The girls would sing "Come on fishy, come and eat your lunch!" while they were waiting.
Allie reeling in the line.
Emily proudly showing off her catch! Emily was the only one who caught a fish. We all had a couple of bites and had a couple fish get off right when we got them up to the shore. Oh well, better luck next time.
We had a great day fishing together as a family.
POST NOTE: Emily wanted to go fishing again tonight and kept asking Tyler if we could go. So after dinner we packed the girls up and took them to the little city pond, you know the one that just across the street from the trailer park that everybody goes out and sits around every night. We didn't think we would catch anything but figured it would satisfy their desire to go. This is what I reeled in. Not bad for a little city pond fish. We were a bit shocked when we got it up to the bank and saw the size of it. We weren't prepared to take it home with us though, we had only brought a tiny little cooler with us with some snacks because, honestly, we didn't think we were going to catch anything. So I got to carry it home on my lap half way in the cooler and half way out.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Fishing at Causey
Posted by Ty and Ber at 4:11 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Miss Piggy and the Campout
Emily really enjoys watching this show called Super Why on PBS. One of the characters on the show is a little pig, and that is the only place I can think of where she got this crazy idea. Yesterday, Tyler and I were outside in the backyard talking when Emily came out and asked "Do I look like a piggy?" She had gone inside a few minutes prior, stood in front of the mirror and tried to draw a pig face on her face. Needless, to say I was a bit shocked when I saw her face. I didn't get mad at her. I did very calmly say "Maybe we shouldn't draw all over ourselves." That broke her heart. She turned around and went inside on the verge of tears. She had tried so hard to draw the perfect pig face and I had ruined it. That broke my heart. Needless to say, her cute little piggy face remained there all day until bath time last night. Yes, we even went to the store with her artwork in place.
One of our favorite things to do in the summer is go camping. With me being in the last weeks of pregnancy, dilated and contracting we don't feel like it is a good idea to venture out anywhere too far off to go camping. But the itch to go is there so we had to improvise a little to satisfy the urge a little. Last night we decided we would camp out at the closes place available to us, the backyard. The girls were thrilled!Headlamps are on and we are ready to go.
Helping Daddy set up the tent.
We have story time even if it is in a tent with headlamps to light the pages. Of course all the books we read were about camping.
2 happy little campers all snug in their sleeping bags.
We had a great night out in the backyard. Can't wait for our new little guy to come to our family so we head out somewhere else and go camping.
I will have to say, camping in the backyard isn't so bad, the girls stayed a heck of a lot cleaner than they would have had we gone somewhere else.
Posted by Ty and Ber at 2:24 PM 12 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Castle
Tyler got a large shipment of inventory the other day and has spent the last 2 days unloading it and getting it all organized. Needless to say, there were a lot of boxes strewn about our house. Tyler put all the boxes (and a whole roll of packing tape) to use and brightened Emily and Allie's day. He made them a CASTLE! Check out his mad building skills.
They absolutely love it. They even got all dressed up to play in the castle.
Apparently brown is not a very becoming color for a castle so the girls had to color and decorate the castle.
Whenever they wanted to talk to Tyler they would refer to him as "Prince" instead of Dad. What a wonderful daddy.
My house is still filled with boxes but at least it is an organized disarray. I'm sure it will be like this for days, but hey it is cold and rainy outside and the girls love their new "home", if only it had a dungeon I could put them in when they misbehaved.
Posted by Ty and Ber at 9:07 PM 12 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Murdery Mystery Dinner: The Chicago Caper
Saturday night after Tyler's volleyball tournament we went to a murder mystery dinner that our friends Lando and Kristin hosted. It was 1928 and the Chicago mobster Hal Cappone just got out of prison and was murdered. One of us did it- but who?Not quite sure what's going on here. Let's try that again.
I was "Scoop" a young reporter for the city's leading paper and Tyler was Billy "The Kid" a major league baseball player.
"Silky" owner of a prominent private establishment and "Socks" owner of and exclusive club.
Molly the flapper and DA Harrow.
We had a blast and everybody did a great job with their costumes and really got into the whole game.
Who wants to participate in the next one?
Posted by Ty and Ber at 11:30 AM 8 comments
Volleyball Tourney
Posted by Ty and Ber at 11:00 AM 3 comments