Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mustache Mania

I know that dads always think that they are the funniest parent of them all. And if you leave them alone with your children something weird and crazy is bround to happen.

Well, Tyler thinks that he is pretty funny and this is what happens when he is left alone with the girls for 5 minutes.Gotta love em!!


Blake and Jessica said...

Oh my heck! I hope that was washable...but so adorable.

Unknown said...

Oh Ber, I'm so sorry! Tyler tried to get my kids so long ago, I'm surprised that he hasn't tried this before now.
When are your girls going to do it to him... wait, maybe this is a payback from his painted toe nails.

Ty and Ber said...

Oh he did do this before. I'm pretty sure he drew mustaches and eyebrowns on each of my girls they were less than 1 month old.

I had the markers hidden from the girls but I should start hiding them from Tyler.

Keely said...

hahahaha I love these pictures!

Zanny said...

He's so funny! What a great Dad!

Roscoe and Daisy said...

cool mushaches!

aconlin said...


sandyseabunz said...

Gabe used to do the same thing to Phoenix. He would slick her hair down and draw on the mustache.
Call her Gomez or the kid from the munsters...something like that. Oh the minds of geniuses. HA LYRO